Harnessing the Healer Within You

Think about how nature heals itself, how cutting into the bark of a tree creates the sap that is the trees’s own healing process working to heal it’s wound. Humans possess the same abilities to heal that go beyond the physical immune system. Our bodies are always trying to maintain homeostasis as the human body, and spirit, is really what brings itself back into balance.

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Seasonal Immune Support: Autumn

Tune Up Your Immunity by Using the 5 Elements to stay healthy through seasonal transitions. While the thought of addressing any big lifestyle changes seems onerous, you do not need to despair. I offer here some manageable suggestions to get us through one of the more challenging seasonal changes.

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Independence as a Thought Form

Independence as a conscious thought form is what connects us to our wholeness. It is a form of thought and speech where we are allowing ourselves to be truly authentic and independent in terms of our hearts, minds, and spiritual growth. We are speaking and acting our truth.

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Diversity in Unity

Think of a jigsaw puzzle where the finished picture is a view of sky and ocean. All the sky pieces look the same and all the ocean pieces look the same, but the sky pieces look very different than the ocean pieces. Now look closer and you’ll see that the sky pieces are actually uniquely different from each other just as the ocean pieces are also uniquely different than each other. All of these pieces when fit together, however, make up one interconnected framework in that same one puzzle. The result of these interconnected pieces is a beautiful picture of an ecosystem that works in a co-creative way to maintain a balance in nature. Here is an example of diversity in unity, where oneness and individuality can coexist. Now think about this example pertaining to humanity.

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A Shift to Healing

I am launching a new platform called World Wholeness Healing, a group healing led with guided meditation. It will occur every other Sunday evening as way for us to find healing and comfort in this very crucial time of our lives. We will build on self-healing with the intention of expanding our awareness out to the group and to the world at large. Thus, it becomes a way for all of us to help ourselves and also to help each other wherever we may be. I wish for this to be the new normal, for this to be a way to remember our wholeness, not just as individuals but as people connected to all things.

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Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19): New Clinic Protocols and Offerings

The latest measures taken for proper social distancing are the first lines of defense to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. I am offering Safe Space remote healing session and telemedicine treatments to anyone who wants it.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Preventive Measures Using Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Throughout history, Traditional Chinese Medicine protocols (acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas) have successfully treated many plagues and epidemics. More important, however, is the practice of prevention that is the paradigm of Chinese medicine theory. A quote from the earliest Chinese medical text, the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen states, “the Sage doesn’t treat but prevents disease, and doesn’t solve disorder but prevents disorder”. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I was taught that the way to do that is to look at the whole body, most specifically the health of one’s Qi (inherent energy) and Blood as pathways to health and wellness.

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Seeing Weakness as an Opportunity for Empowerment

I was working with a patient recently and we were talking about her lifestyle and more specifically, some of her habitual ways of doing things over the years. As she was speaking she described what she called “one of her weaknesses”. Regardless of...

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