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Wholeness Healing Initiative
Let the healing begin!

Harnessing the Healer Within You

healing circle prayer circle wholeness healing community healing empowerment

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We are all healers.  We all have the ability to heal ourselves and to heal others.  It is our birthright.  It is not something we typically think about, nor is it something we practice in our daily lives.  Think about how nature heals itself, how cutting into the bark of a tree creates the sap that is the trees’s own healing process working to heal its wound.  Humans possess the same abilities to heal that go beyond the physical immune system.  Our bodies are always trying to maintain homeostasis as the human body, along with our spirit, brings itself back into balance.  The problem is we forget that we have that power or don’t know we have that power to begin with.  We feel powerless when we are sick, and powerless when our loved ones are sick because we don’t think we have anything to offer them or ourselves.  Here’s where I am suggesting a different concept for you, the co-creative aspect of healing.  It’s a “place” where we come together with our inner wisdom, the wisdom of others, or any other spirit to co-create the healing process.  This is empowering, especially if we are feeling powerless or without hope.  We are empowering ourselves by harnessing the healer within us. 

Ironically, in our society it’s quite the opposite when we get sick.  When we feel sickness or malaise, we tend to seek help outside of ourselves.  Please don’t misunderstand what I’m implying here, it is good to seek help from a medical doctor or practitioner such as myself when something is wrong, and I strongly encourage you to seek medical attention if you are not well.  Let’s note for ourselves, however, our tendency to give away our own power and innate wisdom rather than participating in this co-creative healing opportunity with our practitioner.  This bears repeating, you may require the attention of a medical practitioner for a serious medical condition.  All I’m suggesting is that the healing process is not only in the hands of a qualified practitioner but also in the hands of the patient.  Of you.

How does one initiate this?  Using the energy of your intentions.  Allowing your spirit, your thoughts and prayers, your loving intentions to work in concert with your body to restore your health and wholeness.  Remembering and seeing yourself in your wholeness rather than the part of you that is sick.  Allowing yourself to have a different experience of yourself is, in my opinion, the very definition of healing.  This can happen on a physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual level as all humans are composed of mind, body, and spirit.  One does not exist without the other.  We can also engage this concept and harness this ability when we want to help others.  Instead of believing we cannot heal ourselves, or that we cannot heal others, we can put our loving intentions and energy into a co-creative healing space anytime,  anywhere, and with anyone.  Energy can heal and energy by its nature wants to expand.  Let’s expand together in healing.  It is one of life’s greatest gifts to feel our own power as healers and by so doing we are able to heal not only ourselves but to help heal others.  Please join us on Sunday July 19th, at 5:00 pm EST for the World Wholeness Healing Initiative where we come together as a community to offer healing.  The link is below and if you can’t make it, please feel free to reach out anytime.

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Meeting ID: 813 7849 2986
Passcode: 060935

Picture of Amy Hausman

Amy Hausman

I am a licensed acupuncturist, ordained minister, and board-certified in Chinese medicine. The foundation of my work relies on my years of studying the healing arts / philosophies of Sufism, Daoism, and Buddhism. I incorporate various modalities such as acupuncture, integrative energy medicine, and contemplative counseling into personally customized treatments for everyone. No one person and no one treatment is the same. I treat all demographics, all ages, and all disorders of the human condition.

I believe in community-building actions, forward and positive thinking, helping each other, spreading love and joy, creating events and forums for networking, sharing the wealth, and optimizing our health as humans and animals on one planet.

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